Click here to schedule a free live demonstration of BAMS Dispute Assistant Manager now!

Chargebacks put your business at risk because each new lost dispute costs you money, damages your reputation, and potentially puts you in the doghouse with the card companies. That’s why BAMS is committed to enabling you to defend yourself against disputes more effectively and with less time, less effort, and fewer resources required.
BAMS Dispute Assistant Manager is designed to eliminate all of the problems with the traditional dispute management and defense processes by boosting your awareness of pending cases, automatically providing you with the information you need to respond, and removing all of the friction that traditionally slows down an already time-sensitive process.
Dispute Assistant Manager Feature Overview

Instant email and SMS notifications to ensure no dispute ever slips through the cracks, and you’ll never waste a single day of the response window.

Status update tracking and notification to keep you up to date on all changes, follow-up requests, and decisions on each case.

Online dispute management and document uploads to ensure instant submission and confirmation.

Automatic reason code interpretation to eliminate the need to look up codes and ensure you always know exactly what documentation you need to submit.
Beat Chargebacks with BAMS Dispute Assistant Manager

BAMS Dispute Assistant Manager is the newest tool in our chargeback defense system, designed to make it faster and easier for our merchants to submit the detailed, effective, and timely responses necessary to beat as many chargebacks and retrievals as possible.
Dispute Assistant Manager revolutionizes dispute defense by focusing on two key areas: ensuring merchants know about disputes faster, and making it simple for merchants to compile and submit the correct documentation to get the win.

Instant Dispute Alerts
With BAMS Dispute Assistant Manager, merchants (and ISOs) receive immediate notification via SMS and email on “day zero” of the dispute process, with automatic follow-ups on day one and day three. That ensures all stakeholders will always have complete awareness of active disputes and that the entirety of the dispute response window is available.
That’s a much faster and more reliable system than the mail-based hardcopy notifications sent by most payment processors. Those notifications are slow to arrive, eating up a valuable chunk of the dispute window – assuming they arrive at all.

Reason Code Interpretation and
Exportable Historical Data
Not all disputes are the same, and without understanding why a chargeback or retrieval has been filed, it’s impossible to know what evidence and documentation are required to file a successful defense. Disputes provide reason codes to provide merchants with the information they need, but looking up those codes in the tables published by the card companies is a difficult, time-consuming, and error-prone process.
Dispute Assistant Manager solves that problem in two ways:
- It automatically interprets the reason code and provides a customized checklist of all the documentation you’re required to submit.
- It allows you to export a complete list of reason codes for all of your historic disputes, allowing you to identify patterns and pinpoint specific problem areas leading to your dispute issues.

Online Dispute Management and
Document Uploads
Traditionally, submitting the documentation for your dispute defense means firing off a physical package, hooking up to a fax machine if you can find one, or scanning and emailing all of your evidence. The onus is then on you to ensure everything has arrived on-time and in-tact.
Dispute Assistant Manager changes all that by enabling you to quickly and easily upload your evidence and submit it online directly to your processor’s chargeback department. That not only saves you an enormous amount of time and headache, it also ensures your evidence arrives instantly and issue-free, with immediate confirmation and no need to follow-up.

Notification of Status Changes
Once your defense is filed, you need to stay on top of the case status to ensure you don’t miss any follow-ups from the payment processor or requests for further information. Luckily, Dispute Assistant Manager offers the same instant email and SMS notifications for all status updates, ensuring you’ll never need to worry about losing a dispute because you missed an update or failed to submit follow-up documentation.
Case status and updates are also available in the dispute dashboard, so you can check in on cases anytime you want, independent of the instant notifications. You can also view and export reporting on the final status of your historical disputes to provide insight into your win-loss ratio – a key piece of business intelligence you need to ensure you’re complying with your processing partner’s risk requirements.