- Your daily merchant deposits, including daily totals, growth trends, top payment types, and more.
- Detailed daily transaction data providing deep insight into each day’s sales.
- All of your monthly merchant statements, including complete fee breakdowns.
- All transactions and payments across an unlimited number of locations and businesses.
- New, ongoing, and historical chargebacks and retrievals.
BAMS Reporting and Analytics

As the old saying goes, you can’t manage what you can’t measure. The more you know about your company’s ongoing operations and financial health, the better you can steer the ship towards maximized revenue, minimized costs, and consistent long-term growth.
That’s why BAMS merchants get free access to IRIS – the payments industry’s top customer resource management tool. IRIS provides you with a full suite of productivity tools as well as one of the most advanced reporting dashboards on the market.

IRIS is the most powerful and full-featured customer resource management software available within the payments industry, and as a BAMS merchant, you’ll receive access to it completely free. That means you’ll have access to all of the incredible sales and productivity features included in the platform, not the least of which is IRIS’s advanced reporting and analytics suite.

Through the IRIS reporting dashboard, you can quickly and easily access all of your critical daily and monthly sales and transaction information, your monthly merchant statements, your ongoing and historical disputes, your top payment types, growth trends, and so much more.
The platform presents everything in a series of easy-to-read and fully configurable charts and tables, ensuring you’ll always be able to find the information you need without having to worry about digging through the clutter to get to it. The result is an unparalleled level of data access and business intelligence, enabling you to make better decisions and reduce the burden of accounting and financial management.
Click here to open contact modal for a free guided demo of IRIS’s complete sales, productivity, and reporting features.

Daily Settlement Reports: Your daily settlement reports will be automatically sent to you via SMS or email, providing a quick, one-stop overview of the day’s deposits and a heightened awareness of your cash flow.
Fully Searchable: You can easily select the current month or any previous month with a simple dropdown list, or search out specific transactions based on keywords or reference numbers.
Growth Trend Visualization: The deposit dashboard provides a full visualization of the month’s daily gross and transaction amounts, making it easy to quickly assess overall growth trends and week-to-week trends, like high volume weekend sales.
Monthly Totals by Card Type: Your transaction volume and total revenues for each major card type are displayed alongside the graphic visualization, providing easy reference to your store’s most common and highest-value payment methods.

Detailed Transaction Overview: IRIS offers a straightforward overview of the deep data on each individual transaction within your batches. Amounts, transaction types, payment types, cardholder info, payment entry mode, and more are all laid out clearly, batch-by-batch.
Fully Searchable: Within any given business day, you can quickly search out specific transactions by keyword or any identifying details within a matter of seconds.
Transaction Amounts by Card Type: The day’s transaction volume and sales totals are displayed by card type in the same way they are for the monthly overview, providing at-a-glance information on your top payment methods.

Complete Historical Statement Availability: Every single monthly merchant statement going back to the opening of your account is available with a single click, eliminating the need for you to store copies and making it as easy as possible to access historical data on your account and your fees wherever and whenever you need it.
Easily Downloadable for Simplified Accounting: All historical statements are easily downloadable in PDF format, making it fast and simple to print, upload, or email your old statements for accounting or tax purposes.

Instant Notification of Disputes and Retrievals: Automatic SMS and email notifications ensure you find out about new chargebacks and retrievals immediately, on “day zero” of the process. Any disputes that aren’t actioned will also generate notifications on day one and day three as well, ensuring your complete situational awareness over this high-stakes part of your business.
Eliminate No-Response Chargebacks and Missed Deadlines: Failing to respond to a chargeback or retrieval results in an automatic loss, with all of the financial consequences that entails – not to mention the potential damage to your reputation with the card issuers. IRIS ensures you always have the maximum time available, and all the tools you need to file a fast, effective digital response.
Easily Exportable History: You can quickly and easily export your complete chargeback and retrieval history in XLS or CSV format anytime you need to use the data outside of IRIS or import it into third-party software.

Track Unlimited Locations or Businesses: Your single IRIS login allows you to track the financials, sales history, statements, and disputes for all of your locations, or even multiple discrete businesses. That provides you with one-stop access to all of your critical business data without the need to manage multiple accounts or platforms.
Save Time and Money by Centralizing Your Financials: When it comes to managing your finances and accounting, the more spread out the information you need is, the more likely it is that errors will occur or key context will be missed, potentially costing you money or causing unnecessary headaches. Centralizing all of your statements across all locations and businesses in one place eliminates that problem, makes your accounting simpler and easier, and saves you money in the long run.