Tag: dispute assistant manager

The 5 BigCommerce Apps Your Store Needs Today
Featured Article The 5 BigCommerce Apps Your Store Needs Today

Feeling the pinch of competition? Desiring to elevate your sales? Ecommerce retargeting is the silver bullet you’re looking for. This robust marketing approach leverages technology to cater ads to individuals who’ve previously engaged with your brand online or visited your ecommerce store. By embracing this strategy, you will replace one-size-fits-all ads with personalized product suggestions […]

How Advanced Merchant Reporting Can Improve Business Intelligence How Advanced Merchant Reporting Can Improve Business Intelligence
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Knowledge is power, yet many merchants operate with an incomplete picture of their payment processing, their transaction history, their ongoing and historical disputes, and more. Advanced merchant reporting tools offered by some payment processors are designed to provide merchants with insights into those key areas in a fast, efficient, and easily-digestible way.  Merchant reporting tools […]

Chargeback Defense Can You Fight a Chargeback?
Read MoreCan You Fight a Chargeback?

Merchants can fight chargebacks and, while many don’t, all should whenever possible because chargebacks matter. Chargebacks cost merchants money in the form of lost revenues and, in many cases, lost inventory. They also raise red flags when they start to rack up, causing potential strains in relationships with payment processors and the major card companies […]